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$80,000 of Damage Recovered

Have you ever ordered something and received the wrong item? Most of the time there is a simple solution…but not for our client. A farmer in the hills of the Central Valley experienced a detrimental mix up with a chemical company that destroyed roughly 185 acres of his land.

MCPA amine is a broadleaf herbicide for small grains, meaning this chemical is used to control weeds growing around wheat, barley, and rye. Our client purchased 47 two and a half gallon jugs of this product for his wheat and barley fields. However, after spraying almost half of his fields, a destructive problem surfaced. Three of the barrels that he was sent were improperly labeled and did not contain the ordered MCPA amine. Instead, they contained a harmful chemical called glyphosate.

Glyphosate is a chemical responsible for preventing plants from making certain proteins needed for plant growth, and it is non-selective, meaning it will kill most plants it comes in contact with. Sure enough, the plants sprayed with those three harmful barrels did not survive.

The outer ring= damaged area after it had been plowed over.

This chemical spray mix up was detrimental to not only his crops, but his production for the fall. In total, with losing roughly 185 acres of viable crop, our client lost approximately $80,000 in yield.

Our client wanted to show the damage this caused for him in order to get proper compensation. The day after he called, our pilots were able to go out and capture enough data to create a map of his land. With the information we collected, we were able to show the damage and get a rough estimate of the total affected acreage.

Almost the entire right side of the field was damaged and had to be removed, along with the middle of the left field and more not pictured.

If you find yourself needing to prove your case, we are here to help. To receive a quote, contact us at or give us a call at (559) 554-7273.

*Drone Scout does not claim to have evaluated crop health in this case.

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